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At Veritas Specialist Centre, we are committed to helping people take control of their weight and discover their true health.

We believe in the holistic approach and offer a range of surgical and non-surgical solutions. In most cases, a combination of treatments is needed for best results.

Our multidisciplinary team of experts will tailor a plan that suits your individual needs, because we know, there’s no one magic bullet, successful long term weight loss requires a combined plan that takes into consideration your unique genetics, environmental and lifestyle considerations.

When it comes to a non-surgical approach, there are many tools in our belt. From weight loss medications to gastric balloon to nutritional guidance, we will work with you every step of the way to ensure you enjoy lasting results.

To find out which weight loss solution is best for your true health, contact our friendly team to request a call or book a consultation today.

When used effectively with guidance from our team, weight loss medications (eg injectables) may be a valuable addition to your efforts for success. More medications are available now for control of weight than ever before and there is much interest from patients and Doctors alike. Our experts are well informed, experiences and up to date with the latest information about these medications. We are well placed to ensure you get the best chance at success. We will explain the pathways they act upon and what you will likely experience along with the long-term expectations. We’ll consider your BMI, overall health, and specific medical history to choose the right medication for you and use it as part of a combined, thorough medical plan tailored to your needs. While these medications may not lead to as significant weight loss as surgery when used alone, they can be a valuable part of an overall weight loss plan. In some cases, we complement medications with lifestyle changes alone and in other situations they are offered in addition to surgery. Best results come through combining treatments! The risk of using them alone is their limitation of effects only lasts while the medications are being used, which is why it’s important to use them in collaboration with other interventions. We consider all these factors in creating a unique plan to suit you, your goals, finance and needs.

Non-Surgical Treatment Options

Types of Weight Loss Medication
There are many medications that have been used for control of weight. Many of them have been produced for other purposes with weight control through various mechanisms being observed as a side effect. The most effective medications available at this time are the GLP-1 analogues, commonly known as the injectables. The brand names include Ozempic, Saxenda and Wegovy. They can lead to steady weight loss and control of hunger. In Australia, approved ingredients in weight loss medication include:
  • Appetite suppression.
  • Demonstrated weight loss of 3.6 kg in six months compared with placebo.
  • Recent observed weight loss of 4.5 kg over placebo after six months of therapy.
  • Long-standing usage for weight management in Australia and the US.
Possible Side Effects:
  • Symptoms including dry mouth, insomnia, agitation, constipation, tachycardia.
  • Cardiovascular system impact; not suitable for patients with a history of cardiovascular disease.
  • Contraindications: anxiety disorders, hyperthyroidism, drug/alcohol abuse or dependence, certain concurrent treatments, pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  • Requires caution in patients with hypertension, history of cardiac arrhythmias, or seizures.
  • Reduction in dietary fat absorption.
  • Long-term safety record.
  • Aids a mean weight loss of 2.9% to 3.4% after one year.
Possible Side Effects:
  • Digestive and nutritional impacts; Steatorrhoea (fat in faeces), oily spotting, flatulence with discharge, faecal incontinence, fat-soluble vitamin deficiencies, calcium oxalate kidney stones.
Liraglutide (Saxenda) and Semaglutide (Ozempic and Wegovy)
  • Controls hyperglycaemia; without causing hypoglycaemia or weight gain.
  • Demonstrated weight loss of 5.6 kg (5.4%) over placebo after one year.
  • Improvements in cardiometabolic risk factors.
  • Strong evidence base for cardiovascular safety.
Possible Side Effects:
  • Gastrointestinal issues: nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation, dyspepsia.
  • Increased incidence of symptomatic gallstones.
  • Rare occurrences of pancreatitis.
  • Not suitable for certain individuals (e.g., severe renal insufficiency, major depression).
Topiramate (Off-label for weight loss)
  • Anticonvulsant used for seizures and migraine prophylaxis, with demonstrated weight loss side effect
  • Weight loss of 3.4-5.0 kg can be expected.
Possible Side Effects:
  • Paraesthesia, dry mouth, constipation, altered taste sensation, insomnia, and dizziness.
  • Cognitive side effects like psychomotor slowing, decreased concentration, mental health impact and memory impairment.
  • Closed-angle glaucoma.

The gastric balloon, a saline-filled polyurethane device, is a non-surgical technique positioned temporarily in the stomach to foster a sensation of fullness.

This balloon generally remains in the stomach for approximately 16 weeks before naturally progressing through the digestive tract. The intent is to establish a sustainable window for weight management and cultivating healthy habits.

The entire procedure is efficiently completed in a 20-minute outpatient setting, eliminating the need for surgery or anaesthesia.


  • Safer alternative to weight loss surgery
  • Non-permanent with lasting results due to habit changes.
  • Average weight loss: 10-15% of body weight.
  • Suitable for those with a BMI of 27 or above.
  • Achieves nearly 2.5x more weight loss in 16 weeks than dieting alone.
  • Up to 95% weight loss maintenance a year after balloon exits.


  • Minor side effects: nausea, mild abdominal pain, and occasionally vomiting.
  • Rare risks: early balloon deflation, overinflation, pancreatitis, and stomach ulcers.
  • Post-procedure support includes an App to monitor weight, body composition, and BMI, along with a health tracker smartwatch for activity and sleep data syncing with the app.

Diet and exercise are foundational to enhancing overall well-being. Instead of promoting fleeting diets, we advocate for sustainable, healthful eating habits as a backbone for weight management.

Our approach includes:

  • Education: We’ll teach you about healthy behaviours, because knowledge is power.
  • Tailored Plans: With Nutritionists and Exercise Physiologists.
  • Ongoing Support: We’ll provide supported, monitored plans to ensure your success.
Supporting your physical transformation often requires mental health support. The importance of psychology in successful weight loss is crucial to addressing root causes and being able to overcome hurdles that have prevented weight loss success for you in the past.

Start your journey to true health with Veritas Specialist Centre.

Contact us to request a call from our friendly team, or a consultation, begin transforming your health future today.

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